Protective Behaviours

Lesson One | Safe and Unsafe

"We all have the right to feel safe all of the time"

Unpack the quote. What does 'we, right, safe, unsafe, all of the time mean?

Safe and Unsafe

Brainstorm words that mean:



What are safe and unsafe touches?


What does consent mean?

Lesson Two | Feelings and Emotions


How many different feelings do you remember hearing?


What colours do you think represent different emotions?

Let's colour our brainstorm.


Create your own feeling friends

Use your five different fingers to create the bodies of your Feeling Friends.

Choose one colour for each feeling.

Animate them with drawn faces and body parts which represent that emotion.

Lesson Three | The Safety Continuum

What is the Safety Continuum?

Review- What does it mean to feel safe?

Fun to Feel Scared

Sometimes it’s fun to feel scared. It can be exciting or an adventure with a focus on fun. You may get your Early Warning Signs (our body’s way of telling us that we feel unsafe, but you are in control, you have a choice, or there is a time limit on the activity. 

Risking on Purpose

This is about taking calculated risks to help you reach your goals. Sometimes we deliberately choose to take certain risks to get better at or learn certain things. Sometimes you have to take risks, or there may be a negative outcome. Some examples of Risking on Purpose: having an injection, trying new food, going to the dentist, learning to ride a bike. 

Like when it's fun to feel safe it is about choice, control and time limit. For example,

when having a needle, you may feel scared, you may not have a choice about it or may not be in control, but you know after the initial pain of the needle, it will all be over very quickly. 

Review- What does it mean to feel unsafe?

 Can you start in one part of the continuum and move to another?

For example, learning to ride a bike, learning to swim etc. Because

you risked on purpose and persisted, you begin to feel safe in that situation. 

If they keep practising, you will eventually succeed. 


Lesson Four | Early Warning Signs

Early Warning Signs are our body’s way of telling us that we feel unsafe. It’s our alarm system. They are our ‘fight, flight, freeze or faint’ response. They are also known as our intuition or ‘gut feelings’. Early Warning Signs can be different for each of us, and include sweaty palms, feeling unable to move, rapid heartbeat, butterflies in our tummy, goosebumps, and the hair on our arms standing up.

watch from 40 seconds to 6 minutes.

When is Mr Bean being safe or unsafe?

What warning signs in his body can you see?


Let's brainstorm where we get our own early warning signs.

Lesson Five | We can talk with someone about anything


What do the following words mean? Give some examples.




Safety Team

What is a safety team?

On your safety team-

The people need to be adults who will:

• Listen to you.

• Believe you.

• Be accessible and available.

• Take action and if necessary, protect you and help them feel safe again.

Let's brainstorm some ideas of people on your safety team.


Create your own safety team?

Label each finger with an adult who you can talk to about anything.


If someone on your safety team doesn't listen to you, what should you do?

Lesson Six | Personal Space


What is personal space?

Do you think there are different levels of personal space?

The Different Bubbles

Which bubble do you think the following people belong in?



Next door neighbour



Personal Space Bubble.pdf

Let's see how you sorted your personal space bubbles